wan-na find something?

Friday, October 26, 2012

'cuz this is thriller, thriller night

during hip-hop class this week, the bean and her classmates were taught a routine to one of the best halloween-y songs that ever was:  michael jackson's "thriller."

i wasn't sure where they were going with this, but then i found out that the studio is closed next wednesday - which happens to be halloween.  and when the teacher invited all of the parents to come in at the very tail end of the class, we were treated to a special performance of the dance they'd spent the last hour learning.

did i whip out my phone and take a video?  YOU BETCHA.

(you called it, monkey.  of course i couldn't resist)

muahahahahahahahaha.  aHAhahahahahahaha.  mmmhmmhmmmhmmm.  muahahahahahahaha.


  1. I love that happened to be dressed very Michael Jackson-esque in the red shirt, black pants, white socks & black shoes! So cute!

  2. Jason and I both died laughing and from cuteness overload. She's too adorable.


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

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