wan-na find something?

Thursday, December 6, 2007

can you feeeeel the love toniiiiiiight...

(now i have the lion king-style chanting in my head)

weird. i hadn't gotten any e-mails to tell me that my last post had received a comment, and i wasn't feeling the love. i thought that perhaps all my talk about the bean and the wan-niversary and all of the other silly things i love to blog about had finally chased away any and all readers, and that made me sad.

but then i glanced at the bottom of the post and saw not a big fat "0", but "10"! yay for me! i love to read people's comments about the nonsensical stuff i post. it's still weird that i never got any notifications, but i don't care. you read me! you really read me! :)

today the hub and i (and the bean, of course) drove down to la jolla to finalize some paperwork at the attorneys' office for our trust and the corporation we're finally able to start. we've been trying to get it up and running for ages, but there were always hurdles to jump over, and at last, it's done! we're all official and stuff. the bean slept all the way down, and then through most of the meeting (which lasted damn near two hours, so kudos to her), and then was an angel during our celebratory sushi lunch at cafe japengo.

that's our favorite place to eat when we're down in the la jolla area (next to jake's del mar, of course, where we got engaged. we'll hit that up in a couple of weeks to celebrate our engagement-versary. shut up) - they have a japengo special roll that i love. crab and cucumber, rolled in rice and topped with smoked salmon and sesame seeds. heaven. i was particularly hungry, because we didn't have time to stop for breakfast, so i pigged out on a shrimp tempura roll, a "pizza roll" - crab, cucumber and smoked salmon rolled in rice and baked with a crab-garlic mayonnaise - and not one, but TWO japengo special rolls. wow. the only bummer was that they serve pepsi. booooooooo. i don't do pepsi. it's gross.

and the hub spent a lot of time laughing at me (again, not an unusual occurrence) because i was moving around like an old crotchety arthritic lady. the kid and i took our first kickboxing class (and not even a "real" kickboxing class like at a karate studio, but the kind at a wimpy women's gym) last night and i was so damn sore, i wanted to cry. everything hurts - my abs, my thighs, my back, my arms, my ass - and i'm trying to muster up the courage to make myself go to the next class on monday. i was panting and wheezing and sweating and the kid turns to me at one point, takes note of my discomfort, and goes "really, mom? really??"

i gave her the stink eye and reminded her that i hadn't stepped into a gym in three months, but she gets P.E. every day at school. and then i blew raspberries at her and continued with my jab/hook/duck combos.

and now i'm just waiting for the hub and the kid to get back with our christmas tree. i'm totally excited! i love the holidays. yay!


  1. If you Nested with us, you'd know we were all having comment notification issues since yesterday. ;)

  2. all that sushi sounds yum. yay on incorporating! yay on getting a tree!

  3. That's super cute that you and Kid workout together.

  4. so, you're saying the class was awesome then? ;) it'll get easier, promise!

  5. Hmmmm I'm totally craving for sushi now.

  6. I don't care if it is wimpy, some of those classes are tough! Sounds like a really great day (especially the sushi). :)


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um, i think.

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