wan-na find something?

Friday, January 23, 2009

challenge - extended!

so we're packing for our fun-filled family weekend in san diego with the ILs. it was part of their christmas gift (actually, FIL and i organized it all, and then i made cards for MIL and BIL that they opened on christmas day), and we're off for two nights. sea world is tomorrow, and i'm either hoping for a break in the rain or to finally get to use the rain shield for the bean's stroller, which has been languishing in a drawer for months. yay!

see, always a silver lining.

and so, the gimme-recipes-for-sephora-goodies giveaway is getting an extension - till monday, i'm thinking. we won't have time to do the draw today, and maybe that'll get me more ideas from anyone who happens to stumble upon the post over the weekend! we've got one more week till the big move - we get keys on tuesday and aim to be completely moved out by next weekend - and i'd love to use up as much of the stuff in the freezer and pantry as possible in that time.

the bean checked out some of the fun stuff in the prize, and she approved.

i've already tried a couple of the ideas that have been submitted, and a big thumbs-up! the hub doesn't know it, but he owes you for some delicious dinners over this past week. heh.

have a lovely weekend, all!


  1. Can I enter again? I found this for you on Real Simple:


    Chicken with Parmesan, Garlic, and Herb Crust

    Please try it and let me know if it's any good.

  2. I wish I had a good recipe to share. (looking around for one)But, I hope you have a great time this weekend!

  3. San diego right before a move with a toddler. You're a super mom! Have fun! Cant wait to see the pics.

  4. Have fun this weekend! We just did Seaworld a bit ago and have another trip planned with friends soon. Make sure you hit up the free beer before it closes!

  5. I haven't been to Sea World since Lil Man was 7 or 8. Hope it's a blast!


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

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