wan-na find something?

Monday, September 6, 2010

moving milestones

btw, the veronabean blog sale still has a few fun items left.  i'm just sayin'.

we've been in the new house for almost two months.  good god.  how time flies.

when we first started moving in, we were eating fast food and take-out for every meal.  i'm sure that's pretty common for the whole relocating process.  but after a full week or so of it, we were stoked to finally have our shit together enough to turn on the barbecue and bust out some real plates and stuff.

and to celebrate such a momentous occasion, we busted out the good shit to toast to our new home:

the grub was extra delicious that night.  at least, it sure seemed that way.

even the bean thought so.

the teen was slightly less impressed (although secretly excited to have been part of the toast):

oh, and earlier in the week, the bean was quite enchanted with her new lamp.  pull the cord, it goes on!

pretty exciting stuff, huh?


  1. The bean has grown so so much! I love her pigtails. Super cute.

  2. oh geez. JD's Downhome Punch was the first thing you ever gave me to drink (the first alcoholic drink i ever drank, probably)...and now it's the teen's turn? i'm scared. VERY SCARED!

    can't wait to visit the new casa!! :D

  3. How exciting! Congrats again on the new home!


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