wan-na find something?

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

yay for st. patrick's day!

it seems like holidays are kind of falling by the wayside around here lately.  valentine's day was super low key, and st. patrick's day wasn't much more exciting.  although it did start off with what seems to be a tradition for the bean - green milk for breakfast.

while her school did give them the okay to break from dress code and wear green to celebrate the day, we had something different from the usual morning routine.  it was the day of her very first ACSI piano festival, something she's been practicing really hard for over the last few weeks.  she had to memorize the piece she chose to play for the adjudicator and be prepared to answer a few questions about reading music.  we'd helped her study and listened to her play her piece, and she was ready.

her scheduled time wasn't till 10:30, but because we knew we'd face some traffic on the way down to yorba linda, we left extra early.  with her check-in ten minutes prior, we actually managed to get in there even earlier.

when we opened the door to the choir room, where we'd been directed to go, there was no one in there but the adjudicator.  turns out that they'd gotten through all of the earlier participants really quickly and were way ahead of schedule.  this was good, because it didn't give the bean any time to sit around and get more nervous than she already was.  she sat right down and got started.

it went really quickly, she performed well and answered the questions correctly, and then it was over. this right here is the epitome of "relief."

considering that this was her very first time at this, i think she did a pretty damn fine job.  just one point away from "superior," but that's okay.  it'll give her something to strive for next year.  not too bad for being the youngest representative from her school to attend the festival, eh?

with some unexpected bonus time together before she had to be back at school, we headed home to get her changed and then went back out to grab some lunch.

also?  i finally cracked and let myself get a tall iced latte from starbucks.  oh, was it good.

we ended the day with the best dinner ever:

i guess we did have a pretty fantastic st. patrick's day after all, wouldn't you?

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