wan-na find something?

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

there's absolutely nothing going on

you guys...i don't have anything to blog about.

no, i mean, i honestly don't have anything going on in my life right now besides cookies.  oh hey, i got a fun new t-shirt at the girl scout store:

yaaaaaaay.  it's now in my rotation for when i'm helping out at the cookie booths.  for now, this is my life on what seems like practically every stinking day:

at least i have super cute co-workers.

and we're all waiting anxiously for rain to come back, because if we work a booth when it's wet outside the girls will earn this cool patch:

but besides cookies...um...well, i got my eyes checked for the first time in like a decade.

i'm happy to report that i still have 20/20 vision!  lasik done me good.  although i have to cave and pick up a pair of very low prescription readers.  my old ass is noticing that i'm having to do that old lady squint-and-pull-back move when reading smaller print these days.  blech.

i turned out a few tails for some friends:

uhhhh...i bought new bedding for the guest bedroom?

ooh!  i finally busted out my tinkerbell shoes that i bought at last year's half.  they're really cute, with lots of little details like this:

and i picked up the molten chocolate latte from starbucks.  it's a special valentine's week drink that'll apparently disappear after sunday.

that's about it.  like, until march 6th my life is nothing but girl scout cookies.  we're boothing in front of local grocery stores during the week and at walmart on the weekends.  my days consist of spreadsheets, counting money, running deposits to the bank, picking up more cases of cookies from the local cookie cupboard, and helping to set up/break down/keep an eye on girls at the various booths.

we better do something super fun at the end of cookie season to make it all worth it.  heh.

1 comment:

  1. I think when you first announced that your were going to become I leader I told you about my mom being leader for 12 years ( refused to enter high school as a scout). A few of those years she was cookie chair and our garage became full of boxes for troops to come and pick up. We spent the weekends doing the same thing, but I don't remember doing it after school. Keep up the great work! Bean will remember these days forever and look back with a smile when she does. Hang in there, you and your co-leader are doing an amazing job! Are you all planning a camp out?


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um, i think.

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