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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

dinner and a bath

for last night's dinner, i turned to my buddy rachael ray. okay, actually, i'm pretty annoyed by her, with that stupid ass "yum-o" crap, but she's got some pretty good recipes. one of the few cookbooks i saved from the half.com store was rachael ray 365: no repeats, and the recipe of the night was chicken cordon bleu hash, served with mashed potatoes.

i tried to find the recipe online, but it's apparently only in the book. i changed up a few things, but it's pretty simple - heat through a ham steak, season chicken with salt & pepper and cook in a skillet with a little olive oil, and cube it all up. sprinkle a little chopped thyme on top. plate it on an ovenproof dish, atop a bed of mashed potatoes (i totally cheated and used those awesome steam & mash potatoes), finish with some grated cheese (i used mozzarella, but the recipe calls for gruyere), and put it under the broiler to melt the cheese. voila! i served it with some mixed veggies, and it was a big hit.

if you want the exact recipe, just e-mail me.

i also busted out my new fab pink mixer to make some delicious chocolate cookies and mixed in some peanut butter chips. these are SO yummy. if you like soft, chewy cookies, give these a try.

the bean, who decided that cooked carrots would make a great hair conditioner, got her first bubble bath after dinner. we'd found some all-natural baby bubble bath at fresh & sleazy (or "f'in sleazy", as one of yesterday's commenters dubbed it), and we put it to good use. the bean was pretty fascinated with the bubbles, although the teen was less than impressed with the quality and quantity. heh.

and, of course, to keep her modest, i covered up her bits in this picture, which i love (well, i love the original picture, sans pasties):

and what's a baby bath photo shoot without a butt shot?

oh man, she's gonna strangle me one day for these.


  1. i can't wait to make those cookies! thanks for the recipe link :-)!

  2. Look at those eyelashed in the last picture!! Wow.

    I hate RR too now, but I have to say some of her recipes have become staples in our home. I change them up a little, but still, easy and good stuff sometimes. I like that I can watch her show and remember how to make the whole thing.

  3. I hate her yet I watch her show when I get home. Oh don't don't forget the word stoup. WTF is that? But dammit, that stoup she made the other segment tasted pretty dam good.

    I've made some Isabooscotis for the the dogs from her rachaelray.com site and they go nuts for it. Gotta give the 4 legged pets some love.

  4. I used to be a fan of RR, but I couldn't keep up with all the fresh herbs that her recipes required . . . at least not since the veggie gang died. I'm sure the bean will appreciate these pictures when you humiliate her at her high school graduation party. Hehehe.

  5. I usually hate RR recipes, but actually might try this one out. I know H will love the ham steak. :)

    I'll just make myself a batch of the cookies instead.

  6. omg those cookies look AWESOME!!!

    I don't get it. In complete and utter seriousness, how do you stay thin? Are you really just blessed with good metabolism? I am SO mystified.

  7. Mmmm...cookies...

    I can't wait to see the Bean's wedding slideshow. You're going to have literally 5 million pics to choose from.

  8. These pictures will be great to embarrass the bean in front of her friends when she's a teen ;)


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