wan-na find something?

Friday, February 13, 2009

well, happy friday the 13th to me

my favoritest measuring cup in the whole wide world broke into two pieces. dammit. stupid friday the 13th, anyway.

of course, the damage probably has more to do with my dumb ass washing the thing out right after pouring the hub's molten lava morning coffee from it into his commuter mug than any kind of superstition. heh.

the teen has been enjoying some particularly slow, movie-watching classes these days, due to half her class being gone at science camp. she chose not to go this year, although i'm convinced that she halfway regrets that decision. she's had to hang out with second-string friends for the last few days. ha! and last night, i half-jokingly said i was going to keep her home until lunchtime so i could spend some extra time with her.

she sure took that to heart.

we enjoyed a lovely morning together, playing with the bean and the hub and i "helping" her clean her room before she left for the week, and then she put together some valentine's day gifts for a few friends.

the funniest part of this was that she had to punch the holes in the bags using a paring knife, because my craft supplies are all still packed away in boxes. she giggled as she said "look, mom, i'm gonna shank these things!" oy.

the bean and i dropped her off at school just before lunchtime, and then we headed out to run a few errands. while we were out, i picked up a fun valentine's day card and some goodies for her - it plays a song from "camp rock," a disney channel movie starring, of course, the jonas brothers. and when i stopped at mickey d's for some grub, i remembered that the happy meal toy of the moment is a hello kitty watch! so i threw that into the bag, too.

we dropped it off at the office, and hopefully she's received it by now. yay!

last night, i was cleaning out my dresser and the bean came across a little something i had left over from my boudoir photo shoot. haha!

hmm. maybe i'll have to bust that out for valentine's day tomorrow.

or not. god knows i'm nowhere near boudoir status at this point.


  1. I secretly really want that HK watch but my husband's already given me the "why you wastin' money on crappy food" lecture :-P

  2. I not-so-secretly wanted that HK watch yesterday while at McD's, but they were out. Moted. :(

  3. again, coolest mom ever.

    but you already knew that!

  4. Winnie told me about the HK watch. I still puffy <3 blinged out Hk watch.

    That last pic is a crack up

  5. Shut it about the boudoir status, you sexy mama!

  6. I can't believe you stole your own daughter's happy meal toy to give it to your other daughter. The Teen better watch her back.

  7. au contraire, my friend. i bought an EXTRA happy meal toy for the teen! :P

  8. Shanking, HK watch, sexy little bean...all awesome. :)

  9. that HK watch is pretty cute! i'm sure she loved it. :)


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