wan-na find something?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

money saving FAIL

so as i watched the commercials on super bowl sunday (i never watch the game. i only care about the commercials and halftime), denny's announced that they were serving free breakfast today, from 6am to 2pm. i filed that little tidbit away in my head and called out "hey babe, wanna get up and go to denny's for a free grand slam on tuesday?"

the hub looked up with an incredulous look on his face. "um, no. i've got work to do at the office."

but as luck would have it, he found his calendar quite clear this morning. and so after getting some stuff done around the apartment, we got ready to get our free grub on. i took the bean and drove my car separately to run an errand first, and as i was getting back in the car, my phone rang.

"um, yeah. there's a line around the fucking block. no freaking way, it's not worth the free food."


so we ended up at trusty ol' flappy jack's, where we enjoyed a delicious, non-free breakfast. oh, well.

oh! tell me how ghetto i am: i found a brand new faconnable shirt that the hub had bought me, oh, probably three years ago when i was still wearing that kind of stuff on a regular basis at my job as an office manager. it still has tags on it, as well as nordstrom's return sticker. i'm never going to wear this thing, and i don't know anyone who would want it.

i'm thinking of taking it back to see if i can get the cash for it. or, at least, have it credited to my nordy's account.

does that make me total ghetto supastah, or what? i'm cackling, just imagining the look on the salesgirl's face when she scans that shit in and it pulls up a transaction from 20-fuckin'-04.

muahahahahahahaha! of course, i shall report back. i think i'll try it tomorrow. oh, yeah.


  1. i would totally return it. i guess that makes me ghetto.

  2. Yikes! Well if it has a return tag - why not? They have absolutely no time restriction on returns, last I heard at least.

  3. i love that one of your tags for blog posts is "returning old shit". also, that's not ghetto. isn't that why you shop at spendy stores like that? to get whatever you want, when you want???

  4. They will take it back. I once returned a pair of shoes five years after the purchase. I had worn them once and they were horribly uncomfortable. But I still had the box, sticker and receipt so I figured it was worth a shot. There was a bit of delay because my credit card receipt was so old-school the young cashier had no idea how to read, but the manager gave me all $90 back in cash. I PP<3 Nordstrom.

  5. I totally thought of you when I saw the Dennys ad...almost called to see if you wanted to check it out with me!! How cool are we?! I know you love you some grand slam breakfast with cornbeef hash! :)

    Oh and ghetto, ghetto, ghetto!

  6. Ha! Ah who cares, take it back. They'll probably laugh at how old it is (once you're gone.) Trust me, I can tell a thousand stories of peeps returning stuff 6+ yrs old...seriously. :)

  7. I thought all stores had a 90 return policy but I can't wait to hear how it goes.

  8. Hee if i were in your hood I'd totally go to Nordstrom with you. I guess that makes me ghetto too.

  9. I recently returned a St. John's suit at Nordie's. This was purchased in 2006 and was hanging in the back of the closet forgotten until recently. The sales lady at the St. John's counter was kinda snooty and informed me that I bought it a long time ago... Ugh, I know. Just gimme my money back! Nordie's has a very generous return policy, so as long as you still have the tag hanging, they have to honor it. Good luck!

  10. hahaha yeah totally ghetto!!!
    but i heard nordy's takes back everything even stuff they don't sell so why not something they DO sell even if it was like 5 years ago.

  11. We saw the Denny's commercial, but I have to be very drunk or very hungover to eat at Dennys!

  12. let us know how your nordie's outing goes! GL!

  13. I totally heard about this Denny's thing way too late. Although, I probably would be too impatient to wait in line!

  14. i haven't had denny's in ages, but it sure makes good drunk food. ;)

  15. I knew I would go no where near Denny's on Monday. You were brave to try. :)


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