wan-na find something?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

no time! there's never any time!

holy shit, i've got 330+ blog posts to read, according to google reader.


i'd better get to readin'. in the meantime, watch the bean as she twirls to the hannah montana concert movie, which we viewed courtesy of hbo/showtime/starz - we've got 3 months free! woo-hoo!

and yeah, i forgot to turn the camera again. one day, i'll get it right. i hope.


  1. Oy, how many blogs do you have in your reader?


  2. looks like the bean is learning some twirling skills from her mama! I like how she has to sit down after the twirl. =)

    Happy reading!

  3. Whoa. You must totally relate to Jessie Spano right about now.

  4. I subscribe to Apartment Therapy, and every once in a while I mark all of their posts read and I feel instantly better :)

  5. let's hope you don't need to comment on all of those blogs.


  6. I've been there with the backed up blog reading. Good luck!

    P.S. Heart that the bean gets her twirl on, mommy style. :)

  7. Ugh, backed up Google Reader is the pits.

  8. i hate it when my GR gets like that. good luck!

  9. Yep. She is your kid. dahahaha.

    Now I need to find her a white dress and make a mini veil for her.


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

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