wan-na find something?

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

day date with the hub, hipster style

i love when the hub has wiggle room in his schedule to take me out on a day date.  with the bean in school and the old lady at the office, we hopped in the car one morning and headed out to los feliz.  he'd found a website that looked promising for some cool new furniture or decor for the shop, and when he saw that it was somewhat local to us, off we went.

there was all sorts of fun stuff inside, although it wasn't necessarily what he'd been hoping for.

i, on the other hand, was completely entertained by browsing through all of their wares at a leisurely pace.  there were all sorts of fun things to look at in there, like this vintage vending machine:

funny socks that i would've picked up for him, but not for $15 a pair:

super vintage items that would be kick ass as decor, but with price tags that reflected their cool factor.

he did manage to pick up a wall-mounted bottle opener shaped like a bear's head, which we paid for at the counter made up of old books.

we got to chatting with the lady at the register, and when we asked her for a good spot to have lunch she directed us just up the street and around the corner to this place:

the menu was made up of lots of cocktails and comfort food, just what we were looking for.  it was a little chilly that day, especially sitting in the shade, so the hub decided to try out the soup of the day.  i don't remember what it was, but he said it was really good.

he chased it down with a mojito:

and then followed that with their house bbq burger.

i was perfectly happy with my delicious "really good french toast," covered in powdered sugar and housemade salted caramel sauce.

and then i noticed something a little out of the ordinary...the dude sitting at the next table had a little friend sitting on his shoulder.

i swear, man...only in l.a.

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um, i think.

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