wan-na find something?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


the bean loves to watch as the teen, MIL, or i get ready.  she often mimics our make-up routine, pretending to hold a compact, using a finger to delicately dab her eyelids with "shadow."  it's pretty darn cute, if i do say so myself.

so she was pretty stoked when MIL let her borrow her compact, which is filled with eyeshadows and blush and comes with the applicators in a little section.  she came running in to the office to show off her cosmetics prowess, and what did i do?

i let her have the chair and grabbed the camera.  duh.

first, a little cheek color.

and now, a bit of eyeshadow.  from brow bone to lash line, as it should be.

a shot of the finished look.  or not.

ha!  you can't see it too well, but there's lovely shimmery brown eyeshadow alllllll down one cheek.

i love it.  starting her early, much to her daddy's disapproval.

in other news, i finally got my brows done last week.  only about six weeks after the last visit.  yikes.  and not only that, but i finally gave in to my own bellyaching and visited my favorite hairstylist, rochelle, again.  i've been dying to have some kind of reshaping, or at the very least, to trim off the dry ends of my several-months-grown-out 'do.

and of course, as it always does, my hair decided to be super cooperative and behaved perfectly the day before the appointment.  i almost chickened out of the cut, but i knew i needed it.  so, the before:

it was, as usual, great to see rochelle again.  she's such a sweetheart, cracks me up, and is so damn good at what she does.  i always love how she takes the time before even thinking about washing my hair to sit me down, take a look at the current style ("this just looks like one of my cuts all grown out!" - well, it WAS), listen to what i was hoping to accomplish, and offer suggestions as to what would work best.  that's exactly how i always wanted to be treated at a hair salon - while i've had great stylists in the past, no one has been this detail-oriented with me before.

since i've got a black-tie event (the junior league's annual fundraiser) next month and my cousin r's wedding in may, i didn't want to go as short as i have in the past.  plus, i figure i'll just save that for summertime, when i'll want as little hair on my head as i can get away with.  i told her how i'd gone back and forth and back and forth on getting some super-dramatic bangs like the teen's, but ultimately decided against it.  i thought maybe a few sideswept bangs would work, though, to shake things up a little.  and of course, at my friend ashley's urging, i'd thrown out the possibility of jennifer aniston's new cut.  except that i kind of already had that, sorta.

rochelle did her thing, picking up sections of my hair, running her fingers through it, doing a few tests of how bangs would look.  and then she got to work.

an hour and a half later, i got home looking like this:

okay, i realize it doesn't really look that much different, other than being a little shorter.  there really is a difference, you just can't see it too well in a picture.  i swear!

the hub liked it, MIL liked it, even the bean sleepily told me the second she woke up "i like your hair, mommy!"  gotta love it.  and the next day, i was happy to discover that snipping all those layers and getting rid of a ton of hair resulted in a quick and easy blow-dry.  i think i managed to do a halfway decent job of recreating the look from the stylist's chair:

oh!  you know what else is cool?  i entered a facebook contest for a free photo shoot from my friend courtney, who'd done our annual christmas card shoot in november, and somehow managed to win!  i am so excited to do a "fun" shoot for once, one that doesn't require a "christmas-y" look (although last year's pictures weren't very much so, since we were at the beach).  and now that my hair is cute again, i'm totally booking it ASAP.

yes, i am vain like that.  are you new?

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