wan-na find something?

Friday, March 4, 2011

meh, yum, yay!

believe it or not, i actually did some cooking that didn't use recipes from my current favorite blog!  shocker, i know.

although i guess this barely counts, since i found this blog through that one.  oh, well.  anyway, when i saw this recipe for reese's cookies - using only two ingredients - i had to try it out.

see?  kind of ridiculous, huh?  but i pressed on, unwrapping all of the peanut butter cups and tossing them into my food processor.

i gave 'em a whirl and turned those lovely cups into...poo.

and when i added the second ingredient, it looked like...diarrhea.  cha cha cha.

whatever.  i scooped it out and pressed them flat-ish, sprinkled a little sea salt on top, and popped 'em in the oven.

final result?  well, i think i left them in a minute too long.  i was too afraid they'd be super gooey, i guess.  anyway, the edges and outsides were a little crispy, but the inside was very peanut butter-y and slightly chewy.  i thought maybe they needed some mini chocolate chips to help them out - amazingly enough, they aren't super sweet.  in fact, i think they could use a little extra sweetness.  maybe next time.  or not.  try at your own risk.

then, i got the bug up my ass to make a batch of buttermilk spice muffins - AKA the best thing at mimi's café.  well, okay, i like other stuff there too.  but i never hit up mimi's without gorging on or taking to go one of these yummy muffins.  i knew the recipe was posted on their website, but had never really thought about trying it out.  well, it was time.

the batter came together easily, although i found that i didn't have any walnuts on hand.  but i had pecans, which i like better anyway, so i used those instead.  and for MIL, who's recently learned that she has to avoid nuts and seeds, i used different colored cupcake liners and topped hers with the spiced sugar mixture, sans pecans.

they're super delicious, you guys.  warmed a little with some butter spread in the middle, it's breakfast heaven.  or snack heaven.  pretty much heavenly whenever you feel like eating them.

lastly, i came through with the prize for my second cookie giveaway winner.  for her basketball cookies, i mixed up some of my gel color in terracotta, plus a few drops of chocolate brown and a smidge of orange, and look:

it looks even better on the cookies.

pretty sweet, eh?  and after raiding my ribbon stash for blue or silver (their team colors), i ended up using navy satin - the color pops nicely against the cookies.  the silver i had just looked blah.

they packed up snugly in the box, with a bit of air cushioning at the bottom and a crapload of tissue paper.  when i closed it up and shook it, there was zero movement.  hopefully she's received it by now, or will over the weekend.  yay!

hmmmm.  what to make next?


  1. The basketball cookies look awesome! And was totally thinking about making the reese cups cookies but every recipe i've made from that blog never comes out so thanks for showing them!

  2. The cookies arrived today! And each and every one is perfect! Good job on the packing :)
    Thanks again! I can't wait to give them to my basketball ladies.

  3. I think you're getting better and better at decorating cookies!


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