wan-na find something?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

happy, happy cookies

yes, i AM running out of titles for posts about cookies.  blech.

so anyway, last week was teacher appreciation week at the bean's preschool.  same went for the teen's school, but apparently it's totally embarrassing to show up with presents for teachers in high school.  whatever.

these days, my answer for stuff like this is pretty obvious - cookies!  i only had one actual cutter that would work for this theme:  an apple.  for my other ideas, i had to improvise.  and this fact will be rather apparent in the photos i'm about to share.  heh.

i wanted to do crayons, and as i perused my cookie cutter collection, i decided that i could easily alter a birthday candle to suit my needs.  well, sort of.  my pizza cutter came in really handy here.  these would have made cute little no. 2 pencils, too, but you don't use those when you're < 5.

because it dries so pretty and shiny, i stuck with the corn syrup glaze that's become my favorite recipe.  the apples came out really nice, don'tcha think?

although those crayons...well, not my best work ever.

for the third shape in this collection, i wanted to do something totally cutesy.  and even though chalkboards really aren't used anymore these days, i still think it's a great "school"-type icon.  i got to use my forest green gel color for the first time, too:

these cookies look really blah without the rest of the embellishments.  i'd added a little greeting, a piece of chalk and an eraser to the chalkboards, plus a little "shimmery" thingy to the apples, and a bit of enhancement to the crayons.  maybe i'll redeem myself once you see the finished product:

i brought the platter for the teachers' luncheon, and wrapped up some for the four teachers in the preschool.  they were really well-received, and i was happy to bask in the glory of it all when they asked "did you make these?"  ah yeah.

because i always have a "test" cookie, i got a little silly in my "i've been decorating cookies for too many hours today" stupor.

i gave that one to the teen's friend rock-ell.  muahahahahaha.  love you, girl!


  1. I NEED to get some skills like that for my cookies. I mean, really. I'm going to have to look up your corn syrup recipe and start practicing!

  2. Wow! you've got some great cookie making skillz! btw-I need another macaron fix! Those little things are so good. I may be emailing you for another order soon ;)

  3. Great idea to make crayons like you did. All of the cookies are sweet and while the teen may have been *totally embarrassed*, secretly I have the feeling that she was totally proud of her Mom.


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um, i think.

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