wan-na find something?

Monday, November 22, 2010

pop-up round-up

so, although i doubt anyone really cares, i realized that i hadn't shared the fun stuff we actually ended up spending money on at that sanrio pop-up shop.  oh, how i wish i could've taken the teen before it wrapped up.  but i don't know if she'd have actually cared for it once we got there.  i feel like it was made for little kids and uber HK fanatics, and she doesn't really fall into either of those categories.

anyway, here are the bean's prizes from the all of the games she got to play:

and a close-up of the army of figurines we scooped out of that little plastic pool (which are now in the bathroom with the bean's bubble bath toys):

is this not the cutest block of mini post-its you've EVER seen?

since i couldn't have a whole wall of the plush character cubes, i settled for one.  oh, and maybe a couple of the mini-me versions on keychains too.

the bean's new lunch box.  i'm thinking she can pack her lunch in it when she goes on picnics in the park with MIL on school days.

i couldn't resist picking up a little mystery box of the miniatures displayed in the glass case in the shop.  from looking at the pictures on the side of the box, there are eight different sets of pieces, but you don't get to see what pieces you have until you buy one.  and you totally have permission to yell at me for not checking the price before i bought it.  because when i got home and looked at the receipt, i may or may not have paid somewhere between $8.99 and $9.01 for it, plus tax.  yuh-hi-kes.

to go with my commemorative t-shirt i'd bought at last year's HK extravaganza, i had to pick up a new one here.  i fear that the size "large" may be a little snug like my pink one is, but it's okay.  i'll manage.

the bean and i both thought this was a set of stickers, but it's not.  it's even better - refrigerator magnets!  they'll last much longer than stickers.

oh, and the miniatures grab-bag?  i ripped it open as soon as i took the picture of the box.  heh.  but SO cute - i'm going to have to figure out how to display these adorable little bakery pieces.

look:  a little measuring cup, cake pans, sugar canister, saucepan (the measuring cup "pours" stuff into it, and that round yellow thing goes inside the pan to look like batter of some sort), and a hello kitty-shaped serving tray.

i do realize how very lame it is to be as stoked over this little box of stuff as i am, but whatever.  it's super cute, and i'm going to figure out a way to display it...somewhere.


  1. love your stash. I thought about tshirts but wasn't loving any of them.

    love the magnet sets. Lei plays w/ them when i'm making dinner.

    overall a win on your goods

  2. the bean got some awesome loot! im jealous!

    looks like you guys had a good time.

  3. I love the magnets and the lunchbox! I'd totally bring lunch to work more often if I have a cute lunchbox like that :)

  4. Cute stuff. I particularly like the HK stuffed cube.


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