wan-na find something?

Thursday, May 17, 2012

buy me some peanuts and cracker jack

a couple of weeks ago, we were lucky enough to score some kick ass seats to the angels game thanks to one of the hub's clients.

a quick check of stubhub and we were able to invite brother wan and rock-ell to join us - and amazingly enough, we found tickets available for seats in the same section and row, with just two seats between us.  pretty awesome, huh?  we figured we'd just ask those folks to switch seats, no biggie.

the bean dug out her rally monkey and all of her angels gear.  for some reason, she loves going to baseball games.  my guess is all the fun junk food she gets to eat.  hmmm, i wonder where she got that from?

it was a gorgeous day, bright and sunny.  and our seats were in the shade all the way through till the 9th inning.  sweet.

like every other outing we go on, this was one big, long photo op.

what's a baseball game without a hot dog, peanuts, and cotton candy (plus some ice cream for good measure)?

as one of the angels smacked a home run right out of the park, the bean plugged her ears and groused "mom-mmmeeee!  why are there fireworks during the daytime?"  heh.

we warned the girls to pay attention, lest they get conked on the noggin by a foul ball.

when the excitement was over and we'd found our way back to the car, it didn't take long for the bean to pass out cold.  so hard, in fact, that i had to keep tugging her head back into an upright position.

i'd call that a pretty darn successful outing.

1 comment:

i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

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