wan-na find something?

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

everything's coming up daisies

life as a daisy scout troop leader and mom is fun.  and exhausting.

like, after nanette showed me a picture of a super cute tablecloth that scouts in her area were using at their cookie booths, i just had to make one for us.  i wouldn't be me if i didn't add unnecessary pressure on myself, amirite?  but lucky for me, that handy dandy die-cutter not only does paper and iron-on material...it cuts fabric, too.  in this case, felt.  a little google imaging and then a bit of work to set it up on the cutter's software, and i had these pieces all cut out:

since i'd had the sense to iron an adhesive backing onto the felt before cutting it out, attaching the pieces to the length of plain blue cotton i'd bought was easy.

the girl scouts love to celebrate stuff.  this weekend was the annual "world thinking day" - scouts all over the world get together to bask in the glory of all that is girl scouts, and think about their "sisters" in the many countries around the world that participate in scouting.  our council was celebrating the day with a fun event at a local church where troops consisting of brownies and older levels created booths centered around the culture, cuisine and an activity from a country of their choice.  being daisies, we didn't have to set up a booth but were invited to come and join the party.  and anytime scouts get together with other troops, they're supposed to bring "swaps" - little trinkets that they can exchange with their new friends as a memento of the event they met at.  most of the swaps ideas i found for thinking day were centered around specific countries, so we brainstormed and came up with a super easy little thing that the girls could make quickly during a meeting:

to make things easy on everyone, picture day was scheduled on the same day.  and because we thought it would be super cute to have the girls wear matching hair bows...

the event was really cute and lots of fun.  the bean's first stop was "japan," where she was excited to find cups of sweet green tea and delicious pocky.

i also managed to get her to stop for a quick shot at the photo booth.

after taking her serious scout portrait, she struck this crazy pose.  oy vey.

and she let me take a selfie, too.

our first shift at a cookie booth was shortly after the thinking day event ended.  this makes me laugh:

my mom and gram stopped by to say hello and pick up cookies.  there's four generations here, if you consider the one taking the picture (me, duh).

awww, look at me and my little cookie!

we're having fun looking for outings and activities to earn the rest of our daisy petals before the end of the year, which will be here sooner than we know it.  we've only earned three parts, with another seven to go.  wish us luck...we're gonna need it.

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um, i think.

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