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Thursday, February 5, 2015

running for laura

i somehow managed to squeeze in a third race for the month of january.  woohoo!

this one was special, though.  the proceeds of this race were going directly to family that a bunch of us hold near and dear to our heart - that of our friend laura.  she left behind an adoring husband and two adorable little girls who are still struggling to find their way after losing her to lung disease.  the race was being held at vanguard university, which is where they met.

lilcee and i carpooled down there, and found ourselves all checked in and ready a good hour before the start of the run.  the course map looked pretty easy - two loops around and then back into the campus.

as we hung out and peoplewatched, we got to say hello to johnny, laura's husband.  it was nice to see him and chat with him a little bit.

 laura loved pink and lululemon - because who doesn't? - and so our group had all decided to wear as much of it as we could scrounge up.  here's a pre-race group shot:

it was so much fun to see all that pink, see all the kids and come together in our friend's honor.  some of us were running, some were walking, and all were excited for the day.

the run was an easy one.  the volunteers stationed all along the course were super enthusiastic and fun, and there were lots of inspirational and encouraging messages done in sidewalk chalk.

this was my favorite note, though.  in-n-out had so generously donated lunch for all participants, and it was great motivation to push through and get to that finish line.

i managed to get a shot with the school mascot before heading off to find my friends (and lunch).

the post-race group photo.

yay for in-n-out!

johnny later posted that there were over 200 participants in the run, which was awesome.  it was a beautiful day to honor laura, and i know she would've loved it all.

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