wan-na find something?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

22 seconds of hilarity

it was quite a lazy weekend. the teen, having slacked on school stuff the last couple of weeks, ended up in a quasi-grounded state - meaning, she couldn't go out, but still had her phone for texting and stuff. she was quite annoyed at me for this, but hey - i DO act like a "real" mom now and then, when the situation warrants it.

on saturday, we headed down to the beach for some family bonding.

it was fun, and we had a good time chatting and catching up with everyone. we always wait too damn long to get together.

sunday saw us actually getting up and going to church. it'd been far too long. but since we were in between services, we decided to grab breakfast at nearby ugo's first.

the hub and i went for their special french toast with caramel sauce, while the teen opted for a nutella crepe and the bean had a scrambled egg and some bacon.

i dig this picture. she's so her mama's daughter.

when she caught sight of the ginormous dog outside, she had to go and say hello.

when she got tired of that, she came over to the open window to peek in at me and the teen.

we made a quick stop at the mall for the teen to check out accessories, and on our way out, the bean decided to model some sunglasses that were just her size.

i love this one. and not just because i'm totally visible in the reflection.

she kind of has a "yeah, i'm a bad ass" look in this one. heh.

it's the bean's 20-monthday! to celebrate, i grabbed the camera and got this:

oh man, it cracks me up. she'll kill me for that one day, but it'll be worth it. i've already watched it a dozen-plus times and it still cracks me up.


  1. OMG.

    That video just killed me. I <3 all the sunglasses pictures!

  2. lol that video was hilarious, and she looked uber cute in those cool shades :)

  3. oh yea, i really like the new cupcake layout :)

  4. The bean's badass look in the wanna be pink raybans is my favorite for sure!

  5. French toast with carmel sauce? Yes please!

  6. the bean with her bacon killz me! the apple definitely doesn't fall far from the tree.

  7. That french toast looks amazing!


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um, i think.

partying like rock stars

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