wan-na find something?

Monday, September 22, 2008

birthday princess day is over.

my actual birthday was spent at home with the bean and the dog, just kicking back and doing absolutely nothing. i enjoyed a bunch of fun e-cards, e-mail greetings, and reading the cards i'd received.

and i ate a lot of bad food. heh. for breakfast, i went to burger king and got a croissant sandwich with my beloved mocha joe, and then for lunch i got a ginormous pastrami dip at the hat.

when the hub got home, he was bearing gifts - an ice cream cake from baskin robbins, a really cute card, and you know what else. whee!

i literally did a birthday twirl as i opened it, which the hub tried to capture on film, but it was way too blurry. too bad, it would've looked pretty funny. but you can imagine how excited i was when i ripped off the paper and saw what was inside. i know you can.

and then i plonked my ass down to play with my new toy while the hub and the bean played and laughed together. the original plan was to head out for some sushi or something yummy for dinner, but i spent so much time with that iPhone that it got too late. so instead, we ended up at zpizza and grabbed some yummy cheese pizza and antipasto salad. pizza is my most favorite thing to eat, so i was perfectly happy.

back at home, the hub busted out that ice cream cake and got to work. oy. he was determined to get all 37 candles on that freaking cake, and he did.

fire hazard.

i made a wish, took a deep breath, blew 'em all out, and then threw my hands up in victory as the hub snapped away. holy shit, look at all that smoke. geez.

i mean, really - by the time he got the last candle lit, the first one was melting all over the damn cake. good lord, i'm old.

and with that, birthday princess day '08 came to an end.


  1. Fabulous way to celebrate! Glad you had a great day.

  2. If he wanted to do all 37 candles he needed to do a larger cake my friend.

  3. So cute! Major props to the hub for the iPhone and for organizing a cake for you. Damn, what a good match :)

  4. I am in love with your smile in that last pic and the fact that hub stuck candles in the frosting at the bottom of the cake. Awesome.


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