but just like last time, as soon as it was over and the hub picked her up and rubbed her back and murmured comforting words to her, she calmed down and her little body relaxed again.
before those shots:

weight - 15 pounds, 6 ounces. 84th percentile, meaning she weighs the same or more than 84% of other beans her age.
height - 25 inches. or, 2 feet, 1 inch. just like i put on her passport application. 76th percentile.
nugget - 16.25 inches. 62nd percentile. i guess the hub is right - she DOES have a big ass head - but she's gotta have somewhere to put all that hair.
speaking of her passport, we finally got the application all completed and submitted to the department of state. we got up nice and early on saturday morning to get to the post office, and of course we ran a little later than we'd wanted to. by the time we arrived, there were about 8 others in front of us. and of course, there's only ONE passport agent.

my favorite comment from this woman was while they were flipping through the brochure for the cruise together - "hmmm, puerto vallarta offers "sparkling nightlife." damn. that nightlife's not going to do me any good with a KID around. oh, well."
so if the bean sleeps through most of the day like she did the last time she got vaccinated, i'm gonna be able to get through the rest of these invitations. whee! i didn't exactly finish yesterday, after throwing things at the t.v. (while watching the stupid bowl that i didn't really care about, and was dreadfully boring till the 4th quarter) and tending to the bean, who was being particularly fussy last night. but here's an idea of what they look like - these are inside a chocolate brown box:

wish me luck.
Love the invitations! Glad the bean (and you!) survived shot day alright!
ReplyDeletepeople with big heads are cool. ;)
ReplyDeleteBut if she's at 84 and 76 for weight and height, a 62 head is actually disproportionately small, no?
ReplyDeletebig heads rule.
ReplyDeletePretty invites! Cute bean! :)
ReplyDeleteBig head = big brain :)
ReplyDeleteYou know you're not a parent when it takes you 1 full 5 minutes to figure out why the bean is floating in a bubble in the car.
ReplyDeleteUh oh, I wasn't sure why Bean was in a bubble either. I fleetingly thought it was a new kind of car seat. I guess that just means I'm an old parent. :/
ReplyDeleteyay for big heads! wheee!