wan-na find something?

Thursday, February 7, 2008

want a good, hearty, belly laugh?

yo, it's me, circa 1987.

mm-hmm. hawt, huh? look how skinny i was! with the biggest hair EVAH. i looked like a damn dandelion. and check out the double swatch watches. i was the friggin' QUEEN of swatch watches - i had so many, i even wore one on my ankle.

i know. you so wish you were me. it's okay.


  1. I'm sad that I can't see the picture in your blog while I'm here at work but I CAN see the french fries that you're giving up for Lent. I am so happy to know that someone is experiencing my misery along with me.

  2. You look taller in that picture. And WAY hotter than my '87 pictures where I believed oversized glasses, a perm, and braces with pink and green gumbands were the height of style.

  3. I was also going to say that you look taller, too!

    And Double Swatches??? AWESOME!

  4. Totally made me think of Parker Lewis: "Synchronize your swatches"

    And you are an actual twig!

  5. I'm sitting in class taking *notes* on my laptop (aka - blogstocking) and I come across this. Of course I can't help but do my "hearty, belly laugh" and the entire class turns to look at me.
    I just laughed in the middle of my teachers lecture on integrating special needs students in our classes.

  6. i so so so love this picture! thanks for the laugh girlie!!

  7. I love it. Absolutely love it. :)

  8. Yeah, but did you have a Swatch phone like me? *snort*

  9. skinny minnie! but your hair probably added an extra 10 lbs.

  10. Daaamn. You were even skinnier back then. How's that even possible? That hair makes me laugh :) Then I read Kenna's story and laughed even harder.

  11. I love this pic. How is it that you're still thin?

  12. dude. total twig. love the hairs. i thought mine were big, but i think you got me beat. whose brilliant idea was it anyway was it to take a brush to curly hair?


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