wan-na find something?

Friday, February 15, 2008

the bean, the supermodel

these pictures got us an immediate call-back from a management company that specializes in kids for commercials, printwork, etc. whee!!


  1. She looks beautiful. My favorite color is purple-must be good luck!

  2. Look at those cheeks...who wouldn't want her! :) Good luck!!!

  3. Uh-oh...did you hear that? Dammit! I think Bean might be cracking the force field around my ovaries. Red alert! Red alert!! Sorry, I'm going to need to go and take care of this...

    *listening to tapes of babies screaming and reading price tags on baby gear*

  4. Go little bean! Way to show the camera some love!

  5. Love it! I wanna see the pics sans the bar! Can ya send? :)

  6. whee! maybe we'll have to start baby magazine stalking to see her without the bar.

  7. Ha, she's a natural! "America's Next Top BABY Model". :)

  8. Oh, Bean. Why do you torture me so? So mysterious behind your rectangular bar. That bar is SO much worse than the full-on smiley circle covering my face. You give me your full, biteable cheeks, cutey-pie lips, but then leave me hanging with your hidden eyes.

    Such a tease, you are. Such a tease.

  9. sooooo in love. obviously, they would have been FOOLS not to call you back.

  10. Awww :) When are we gonna see her in a baby gap commercial?

  11. this does not surprise me in the least. the bean is silly photogenic... and even cuter in the flesh. :)


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