wan-na find something?

Monday, February 18, 2008

i'm an accessory.

it has been one hell of an uneventful holiday weekend.

but not without its happy, shiny moments:

we decided on a whim to have dinner at tokyo wako on saturday night. it was the first time we'd been since the bean was born, and it was fun to watch her face as the chef dude busted out all the silly tricks - making a smiley face with the oil before striking the match, the onion volcano, the salt "fireworks" spectacular, and this guy even had salt and pepper shakers that lit up. he seriously flipped off the lights, broke 'em out, and drummed a happy little neon beat on the grill. and he wasn't shy with the seasonings in the food, so it was extra tasty.

sunday breakfast at flappy jack's. stuffed french toast - literally logs of cinnamon-dusted french toast, with a fabulously gooey, cream-cheesy filling that's sweet enough to eat without syrup. add a side of bacon, and i'm in hog heaven. usually i go for their blintzes - crepes wrapped around that same sweet cream cheese, but without that gross fruit, TYVM - but i was extra hungry. heh.

the hub and i gathered up our respective piles of magazines from around the house that were starting to tower over our heads, sat down, and plowed through probably five trees' worth. i ripped out recipes, clothes i liked, make-up tricks, and recycled the rest as the bean happily bounced in her jumperoo.

found a vacation rental for our april trip to nyc. whee! $200 per night and we've got a 1-bedroom apartment just around the corner from times square, broadway shows, and lots of other touristy attractions. i can't wait.

met up with my brother and his GF, o, for dinner last night - sushi roku. it cracks us up that my brother has turned into the biggest friggin' sushi fan that ever was. kind of reminds me of the hub, who was totally close-minded about the idea of raw fish and japanese food in general when we first met. i practically forced him to try a california roll - a CALIFORNIA ROLL! - and from there, he got braver and started going out for sushi lunches with clients and co-workers. and my brother's the same way - it took a business trip and not wanting to look like a big ass wuss in front of everyone at sushi roku in vegas for him to finally set aside his inhibitions and give it a shot.

and lo and behold, we have ourselves a sushi addict. i think they need to start a support group between the two of them, seriously.

when we were done stuffing ourselves full of fish and rice, 21 choices was our next destination for some yummy fro-yo. yes, i know pinkberry's right down the street, but i'm not a fan. so sue me.

we got in line (amazingly, this joint ALWAYS has a line regardless of how frigid it is outside) - minus the hub, who stood outside with the stroller and stuck to his lenten sacrifice. o gave her order first and happily munched on her chocolate frozen yogurt with strawberries while my brother and i watched ours being mixed up. i went with the brownie mud pie (chocolate yogurt with chocolate chips, brownie bits, and coffee) and added marshmallow (because like gravy and bacon, marshmallows make everything better). i was rather amused to note that o had managed to plow right through hers and had already tossed her cup in the trash.

but not as amused as when my brother went to pay for our treats (thanks again, dude - i know your ass is reading this) and ponied up the cash - for TWO cups. i whipped my head around and locked eyes with o, who mumbled "that's just how we roll" and i damn near spit my yogurt out.

we strolled out nonchalantly, my brother calmly eating his yogurt and me sputtering half-assed protests. "dude, they took too damn long, and we're broke as all hell." oh em gee, i thought i was gonna die.

well, fuck, bro, you keep up those damn sushi dinners and of course you're gonna have empty pockets. :X


  1. Mmmm...stuffed french toast...

    And...so glad you found a good rental in NYC!

  2. i think i like your bro.

    mm...21 choices...mm stuffed french toast & blintzes...

    ack. way too many dots.

  3. i have such a magazine problem. i have a book to put all my pages that i rip out, some for inspiration, some for things i want, some for just, well...it looks pretty.

  4. Do not ever let my husband meet your brother. Seriously. He gets bent out of shape if I don't pick up a shirt I knocked over at a store.

  5. Hmmm 21 choices . . . although my fave is still Pinkberry.

  6. They need to build a Flappy Jack's in my 'hood. Pronto! Stuffed French Toast...Mmmmm.

  7. mmm, i'm with you on the fro yo situation. i just don't think i could do that dude.

    flappy jacks sounds fabulous. mmmm....


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